⭐Wellness Coaching With John⭐

New “free” foods, and macros, and activity, oh my!

I will be offering 1-on-1 wellness coaching and support to help you make the start of 2025 a successful one for your journey! Read on if you want extra accountability, some nutrition and activity guidance and even a little motivation boost to help ensure the new year brings the changes you want with the support to help get you there.

Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM)
@BgJn214 on WW Connect

Your Wellness Plan

The coaching I’m offering is a 1-on-1 customized engagement to help jumpstart your wellness journey now and into 2025. There are two tiers of plans depending on how much pushing you want. 🙂 Have a look:

I’m In!

If you’re interested in learning more and going forward with this 1-on-1 wellness coaching, please complete this form and waiver:
