#CupidsConquest – #ChallengeMe2025 Q1

How’s your aim?

Hard to believe it, but we’re already in our second month of 2025! Our February challenge, #CupidsConquest starts today and ends on February 26th. We actually have a challenge within the challenge this month but more on that later.

Our #CupidsConquest challenge is a bingo board with 25 boxes to clear within the 26 days of the challenge. Don’t worry, there is a free square and there will be some opportunities for alternates too along the way. As with January, some boxes are up to your own interpretation (e.g. Lunar, Something Red, etc). The “Bowl” box though has a special meaning…

Also happening this month is the #DontGoSplittingMyHeart bowl-a-thon fundraiser which is a team versus team competition against #TeamGizziGrl in Connect. All you have to do is go bowling and report your highest single game score. More information on how to participate in this is available here.

As always, remember you can substitute for any boxes based on your abilities and preferences–just make it something of comparable effort. 🙏 Here is the February tracker image:

(Click the image to download it or just screenshot it.)

If you need alternative exercises, check this page:

This challenge runs the entire month. Since you have the full details for the challenge, I will not be posting anything further on this site for now (unless I specifically reference it in my morning Connect post). Let’s go! 💪